Dov, FDN-P
I've been passionate about wellness my whole life. I suffered from severe environmental allergies as a child and underwent 9 ear surgeries before the age of 16. I was chronically medicated with antibiotics, which set me down a path toward a whole new set of dysfunctions. As a result, I learned very early on that conventional medicine, though profoundly effective at trauma care, surgery and symptom management, fell short when it came to determining why biological malfunctions manifested in the first place.
When I fully came to terms with the fact that no medical intervention was going to heal my chronic issues or get to the root of the cause of their existence, I realized I was going to have to be my own health detective.
I vowed to figure out the underlying causes of my own biological dysfunctions. During this journey, I realized the value of nutrition and gained a great appreciation for and understanding of bio-individualized nutrition. Each of us is so biochemically different. One person's nutrition is another person's poison. Thus, there is no such thing as universally healthy food - only universally UNhealthy food.
I eventually went on to become a Health Coach and a certified FDN practitioner. I use sophisticated lab testing to objectively root out any hidden stressors in the body and guide you on your unique path toward successfully meeting your health and performance goals.